Politicallysavvy's Blog

Politics and random musings

Move over Black History Month

It’s been a few months but it has not been without its tasks. In my time off from blogging I have accomplished quite a bit, moved from Italy back to USA and purchased a home. Also had time to graduate (May) with second M.A. Now back to the news at hand.

Virginia governor (Republican) Robert McDonnell has declared April “Confederate Month” due in part (his words) to celebrating the states’ rights vs. the rights of the federal government. This proclamation, of course, is not without its controversy. Several civil rights groups have criticized the proclamation due to its obvious history and in my personal opinion insinuation. It has been 8 years since Virginia has declared such a notion, quite ironic that it is done during a time of such divisiveness and our president sharing heritage with the very slaves the confederates sought to control.

If the GOP is serious in its position of seeking more diversity within its party, acts such as this does little to help this cause. The civil war was created on the basis of slavery, history has taught us this. To prescribe that this proclamation is only to preserve history and the commonwealth of Virginia is not only ludicrous but dubious as well. Our country cannot heal nor move forward until both parties unite. This, of course, does not further the cause.

With issues plaguing the party such as infighting, lack of effective leadership within the RNC, tea party affiliations and overall bad publicity, this illustrates a bigger problem for all. One must wonder the reasons behind many of the tactics used by leaders within the party and worry not only for our nation but our future.

April 7, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Well, glad to see you are officially back. You were indeed missed.

    As with topic at hand, I agree with your assessment. The Republican Party is lost. It appears that in order to fully connect with their constituents that many adopt the most polarizing views possible. This does not bode well for them in the primaries. Heck, anytime you have a Palin as one of your leaders it spells trouble!

    Comment by Steve | April 8, 2010 | Reply

  2. I completely agree. No quarrels at all. Not only is this insulting to ALL members of our nation but it illustrates why the GOP party is not diverse in its thinking and members.

    Comment by Teresa | April 8, 2010 | Reply

  3. Wow. This is my first hearing of this. One of the reasons I pity places in the south, lack of progress.

    Comment by Frank O'Donnell | April 8, 2010 | Reply

  4. I am still attempting to grasp why Virginians of any color would support this? The GOP has much to learn and if they don’t get in touch with mainstream America they will be the minority party for 4 more years.

    Comment by Megan | April 8, 2010 | Reply

  5. This makes me question the future of many Virginians as well, every citizen should stand up and speak out on this issue.

    Comment by Jamie | April 10, 2010 | Reply

  6. @ Steve, read yesterday’s post. I agree assessment.

    Comment by politicallysavvy | April 11, 2010 | Reply

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